Why Even the Most Established Real Estate Agents Should Be Using Social Media

Why Even the Most Established Real Estate Agents Should Be Using Social Media

Many experienced real estate agents have built and maintained successful businesses using face-to-face interactions, traditional marketing tactics, and referrals from their sphere of influence. If these efforts are working for you, do you really need to be doing social media for your business?
In a nutshell? Yes.
More and more of the real estate transaction process is shifting to online and going virtual – from the search to the listings, to the staging, showings, closings, and everything in between. The first thing consumers do when they are thinking of making a move is search online. The same goes for finding an agent – even if it’s a referral, the first action consumers take is often to search their name and check out their online profiles before making contact.
Your online profiles are key elements of social proof and are often the first few entries on Google search results.
We all know how important first impressions are, and whether we like it or not, our potential client’s first impression of us is now online.
What comes up when a prospect searches your name? Your website is usually high on the list and prospects will probably click on it to verify that you are a licensed agent. But do you know what comes up even higher in the search results?
Your social media profiles.
Your online footprint is an essential component of social proof. If a lead clicks on your Facebook page or Instagram profile, what kind of impression will they get? Do they get a sense of who you are, what you do, and what it’s like to work with you? If you do not have a social media presence, what does that say about you and the type of agent you are?
Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok have become important vetting tools in the search for an agent and the search for a home.
Social media is a convenient and effective way to connect with your sphere of influence and stay top-of-mind.
As an established, successful agent, you have cultivated a large and varied sphere of influence. How are you staying connected with them and maintaining those relationships?
As a society, we are spending increasingly more time online and on social media platforms. And that is even truer for the younger generations who are adept at both socializing and conducting business over social media. To truly connect with your sphere and stay top of mind, you need to be where your audience is…and everyone is on social media!
Social media provides the highest quality leads for real estate agents.
recent NAR survey of real estate agents showed that the highest number of quality leads came from social media.
Facebook and Instagram are the places most people go to make big announcements and give major life updates. These can be signals that they might be ready to make a move. This is not only a chance to get new business, but it’s also an opportunity to make a heartfelt and genuine connection with them. Congratulate them on the new addition to their family; send your condolences about a loss; celebrate their engagement. Relationships are built one touch at a time. Social media can be used to meaningfully engage with your sphere in a way that strengthens those ties, while potentially leading to more business.
Here are some tips for agents at all stages of their real estate career who are looking to up their game on social media in the year ahead.

Be Strategic.

Don’t just do social media to “do” social media. Have a strategy and a planned approach. Come up with content categories that present you as a successful working real estate agent who is an active part of the community.  Think about what you want to communicate about YOU, your business, and your approach to helping buyers and sellers. Before you push publish on a post, ask yourself: will this make someone want to work with me?

Be Selective.

You don’t have to be on all the social media platforms – choose 1-2 to start. Most agents are using Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

Make It Personal!

Use Instagram as a tool to remind your sphere that you are a fun human AND that you are a working, active, successful real estate agent.

Mix Up Your Content.

Make sure the content you post is a healthy mix of personal and business. It should not be 100% sales-focused and shouldn’t be all personal either. Post new listings, just sold properties, client testimonials, open house notices, and video walkthroughs, as well as award announcements, personal achievements, and community events/involvement. Position yourself as a thought leader, an expert, and a valuable source of information.

Show Some Personality!

Do you have a coffee addiction or an overwhelming love of Target? What about your collection of houseplants or your beloved pet? Including these little glimpses of your life makes you REAL and more relatable and allows you to connect with your followers or friends on a personal level.

Provide Value.

Share tips and tricks. Answer questions that your buyers or sellers frequently ask you. Tag your favorite vendors that you trust and work well with. Post helpful house-upkeep reminders. Give a tour of a neighborhood. Share your 3 favorite local businesses or coffee shops. Do whatever you can to be a source of valuable information and insights to your followers/friends and prospects.

Whatever You Do, Do Video.

Short-form video content is taking over on all social platforms, so it needs to have a prime place in your social media content strategy.


Don’t post and ghost! Take a few moments a day to comment, like, direct message, and share content from your sphere!

Be Consistent.

Consistency is KEY. One post is not going to get you a new client or keep you connected to your sphere. But when a referral visits your profile, all of that content presents a big picture of who you are and what it’s like to work with you. Your social media presence has a cumulative effect and it builds over time with consistent posting.

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Whether you’re looking to buy, sell, rent, or invest in Washington, DC, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, or Pennsylvania, we have the agent for you to make your dreams a reality.

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