En\?dl\?es\?s po\?ss\?ib\?il\?it\?ies\? on\? thi\?s un\?iq\?ue\? 11+ acre lot\?--Build your own cus\?tom 4 bed\?room home a\?nd\? set up an
e\?ques\?trian or small hobby farm or leave the lot as is. There are in\?cred\?i\?ble views of moun\?tain ranges, rolling pas\?tures and wood\?lands. Sur\?rounded by miles of horse and cat\?tle farms, on\?e can tru\?ly ap\?pre\?ciate all that
de\?fines Fauquier County, while be\?ing just min\?utes away from the\? co\?nveni\?en\?ce\?s of Hay\?mar\?ket, War\?ren\?ton and Gainesville. The en\?tire lot is fenced (non-barbed wire). Sep\?tic Cer\?ti\?fi\?ca\?tion let\?ter on file for a 4-bed\?room perc. Ex\?ist\?ing well con\?di\?tion un\?known.